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Thread #83465   Message #1534616
Posted By: robomatic
04-Aug-05 - 01:42 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Sen. Joe McCarthy
Subject: RE: Folklore: Sen. Joe McCarthy
It's a very tough subject, because human nature has a lot of dark places and there were those especially between the Wars who felt they had to choose up sides, Fascist or Communist.

I believe there were plenty of Communists infiltrating the US. I believe for the most part they were successful. Helping them along were people like Joe McCarthy and the John Birchers who used the most superficial approach to patriotism possible, piss on the guy next to you to make yourself look better. Not for nothing did President Truman label ol' Joe McCarthy "the Kremlin's greatest ally". By stirring up hysteria, these mindless jerks antagonized thinking people, humiliated caring people, and diverted attention from real problems and real opportunities facing the free world.

Meanwhile the deification of Lenin and Stalin within the USSR and the incredible blindness, gullibility, whatever it was that made people in free countries give it an ounce of credibility because words just fail me (in fact a book about Communism was titled: "The God That Failed.") made Communism a genuine threat to mankind which ended and ruined the lives of millions.

People everywhere are persecuted for being independent. what makes the USA different is that you can be independent, and still have a chance.,,, we're above the line here, um, sorry, a song, I need a song, ahem ahem... lessseeee.......of course, this one is perfect, it's