The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80687   Message #1534879
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
04-Aug-05 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: John Bolton, Raging Un-Diplomat
Subject: RE: BS: John Bolton, Raging Un-Diplomat
Amos, you can lead a man to Jesus, but you can't make him Baptized. I don't know where you are, but I live in the here and now, not in the 16th century, nor even the 20th century. I am just sick and tired of all of the world's ills being blamed on America. The UN should work on problems in Africa, the Balkans and other troubled areas. The UN should take the lead on world terrorism (but it won't). Let the UN spend its money (mostly ours) on taking care of hunger and health. I believe the old Civil Rights dictum was "Lead, follow or get out of the way". Are ya hearing Koffi?
I've said it, now you can lynch me.