The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67948   Message #1535023
Posted By: beardedbruce
04-Aug-05 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
Subject: RE: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
Ballad (21)

Might mage cast spell to capture muse
And hold her to his heart?
Can dreams be real: How can he use
Desire to form his art?

He has not power to alter fate
Nor win against her will:
For this muse, he would ages wait
That she might his arms fill.

He studies past, to future gain:
He seeks to present change.
If his hopes could her smile obtain   
He might the stars arrange.

Mage sees in muse all that he tries
To find, in all his books.
She is dream in flesh: Her deep eyes
Show wisdom with their looks.

She is his sun, his moon, his stars:
This angel heaven fills.
He sees her light: Only time mars
His hope, with age's ills.

Yet, dreams have power to give mage life
And heal even his heart:
He knows hopes are with desires rife,
But must his passions start.

                                             14 Aug 2003