The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56348   Message #1535191
Posted By: GUEST,David Hannam
04-Aug-05 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: How to End Racism
Subject: RE: How to End Racism
No it isn't. The reason Islam is being discussed in the way it is in this thread is because there are people (like you) who are trying to spread hatred towards all Muslims because of the actions of some Muslims.

Excuse me, all the muslim intolerance threads, and this one were not started by me. Please get your facts correct. And, i don't spread hatred. I like the way once someone actually debates a point with a liberal, all the liberal can do is scream names and abuse.

There really are people who commit atrocities in the name of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and many other religions... even today. But you don't tend to hear so much about them because the groups they belong to aren't the ones currently being scapegoated by the "powers that be".

No, the reason Muslims are the topic of interest, is because Muslims are bombing Britain. My only interest is in Britain, not in eastern europe, not the far-east, not anywhere. And before you say they are extremists, not Muslims, those terrorists used to belief of Allah and the purposes of Islam how THEY intepretated it, to instill in them the belief to bomb and kill.

I have never said, and you can look, as their is probably 20 instances when i have said, that i believe it is unfair to say all muslims are guilty, all i am saying, is that the muslim community needs to look at extremists on their doorsteps, and in their mosques and protect especially their young from being misled.

There is a news item, which i shall get for you in the next post about a UK Muslim woman having acid thrown in her face because she didn't attend the mosque when supposed to. This is barbaric, and although i accept that such crimes are committed by all peoples, when those actions are condoned in the Koran, it is very worrying.

Yes, Christianity has progressed, ok, in Uzbekistan i am sure their are injustices, but we are talking about the UK now, the Western world, and Christianity has, progressed and adapted. We believe in the rights of women for instance to vote, dress how they wish, to have an education.

Statements like this are misleading, not true, and also are designed to do one thing and one thing only... spread intolerance and hate.

Knee-jerk liberal response. I know Christians in the UK don't throw acid in the face of their wifes because they didn't attend church. Is this is not backward??????

Again, the problem is extremist fundamentalism. Not Islam itself.

Extremist Muslim fundamentalism. For it is muslim extremists who are bombing us. It would only be extremists alone, if relgion was not their motivation to kill.

Once again, it is senseless to blame all muslims, but whilst the UK still has tthe huge immigration problem where 60% of immigrants are Muslim, we are ticking on a time-bomb.

eeeh, i do love our squabbles. lol