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Thread #83475   Message #1535480
Posted By: mooman
05-Aug-05 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hiroshima 60th Anniversary
Subject: RE: BS: Hiroshima 60th Anniversary
A reply to Guest 04:27 PM (although I do not particularly see why I should reply to an anonymous post)

mooman, what is YOUR point?

My point is that I have a legitimate point of view and will not be browbeaten by others with a different point of view.

How many were killed by the Japanese Empire prior to the dropping of the A-bomb? How many countries had Japan invaded? How many additional Bataan death marches would it have taken to possibly alter your outlook?

Several million were killed by the Japanese I would estimate, and I am certainly no apologist for their atrocities or agression against other counties. Neither am I an apologist for the atrocities carried out by the Germans or for British atrocities such as the firebombing of Dresden. Many, although not (interestingly) all of these have been classified as war crimes.

robomatic does an excellent job of making the situation understandable.

He argues his case well but it is his point of view. Others have other points of view.

But, perhaps, not to those to have a deep resentment for the US, be they citizen or not.

I do not, and never have had, a deep resentment for the US.

The fact remains that over 200 000 innocent civilians were instantly incinerated or poisoned by radiation in two essentially politically-motivated and unnecessary attacks. The attempts to justify this double atrocity, e.g. bushido, a long campaign to occupy Japan with hundreds of thousands of casualties, etc., are revisionist supposition. There is strong evidence to the contrary that Japan was in any case close to capitulation due to the destruction that had already been wrought on it (not just by the US but by other Allied forces as well).

Those are at least some of my points. To misquote Groucho Marx, if you don't like them I have others.

