The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83505   Message #1536130
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
05-Aug-05 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dr Pepper Grammar Question
Subject: RE: BS: Dr Pepper Grammar Question
Sorefingers commented:

I say to hell with Grammar and Grammar Nazis, let the English language again live instead of smother in endless gobblede-speckledeegook.

I appreciate your attitude, but the fact is that the language does live its own life, always has, and always will--grammarians and schoolmarms notwithstanding! The relation of grammarians to language is like the relation of astronomers to the stars: They can tell you what the stars are doing, but they can't tell the stars what to do!

Every language has a grammar; otherwise no-one could understand it, and it wouldn't even be a language. "Grammar" merely means the set of assumptions which the language-speakers know to follow, often not even knowing they are following them. A two-year-old child already has absorbed a complex understanding of the "rules" by which he/she needs to speak, and by which he/she needs to measure mommy's speech in order to know what she's saying. And subcultural dialects like Ebonics are not "ungrammatical"; they just run by a different grammar than what we are pleased to call "Standard English".

Dave Oesterreich