The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83374   Message #1536410
Posted By: GUEST
06-Aug-05 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005 - the verdict?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005 - the verdict?
An audienceless experience? Can't imagine where Guest rumncoke was. As a direct result of the lack of season tickets, punters stayed put throughout concerts as they'd paid to be there and didn't have the option of drifting in and out. Good for artists, maybe, but what definitely wasn't good was how, with dozens of warring factions organising events independently, booked performers - whether they liked it or not, and many didn't - were parachuted in and out on a daily basis, exactly in the style of Cambridge-type, commercialised mega-festivals. This is not was Sidmouth is about and certainly not how Mrs Casey Music did it. Artists on the whole stayed the week, or most of it, did workshops and played in sessions. Not a lot of this occurred during the past week and sessions appeared to be dominated by bash-it-and-thrash it, out-of-tune, unprofessional drunks. Many people deserve congratulations for actually pulling something off, but it was far, far from perfect and much needs to be learned and done better for next and subsequent years to have a chance of success.