The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83505   Message #1536577
Posted By: bobad
06-Aug-05 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dr Pepper Grammar Question
Subject: RE: BS: Dr Pepper Grammar Question
What began as a lighthearted, somewhat tongue in cheek, inquiry has evolved into a reaction against what is perceived as a thoughtless responce which is more a brush off and sales pitch than an attempt to satisfy a customer's curiousity.

I agree with all of you who expressed disdain towards the soft drink industry, they definitely do not hold the health of the world's children in high regard. At the same time don't sell today's kids short as far as being unwitting dupes of industry goes. Being of a generation that is computer savy and having access to the www they are much more informed than most of us were at their age.

BTW the subject of this thread is the son of a friend of mine, not my son. I think it is commendable that he does not accept the kind of answer he got and is following up on it. Hopefully these qualities of inquiry and persistance will evolve as he matures to make him an individual who does not accept without questioning what he is fed by politicians, teachers, the advertising industry etc.