The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83374   Message #1536846
Posted By: Chris Cole
07-Aug-05 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005 - the verdict?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005 - the verdict?
Lynne I am pleased to say I met Lizzie. If you had, you would understand why she lives in a world of smilies! All I can say is I would rather know Lizzie than some of the "guests" that frequent this site. What a lovely lady and family.
Sidmouth is different things to different people and as a family we will have had a significantly different time to other people. My main points are
1) Disappointed to meet locals that could still find reasons to whinge - they seemed obsessed with the "outside" traders in the Arena. Perhaps they should focus their energies into providing a without chips eaterie in Sidmouth.

2) Delighted that my daughter could spend 10 and a half hours singing with Emily, Lauren and Jim for £15. What a bargain and what lovely people. The super singers were indeed super.

3) Huge thankks for the determination and hard work of a group of wonderful people who allowed me and mine to enjoy our annual folkie holiday. Dipping in and out of events, meeting up with old friends and making new ones etc.

4) Sidmouth happened and was not by any stretch of anyone's imagination a failure. Imagine that being the case 12 months ago? Cynics can have their say (thank God), but I was there and had a great time/holiday.