The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83504   Message #1537080
Posted By: Amsel
07-Aug-05 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
Subject: RE: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
The hype is indeed partly responsible for many eating disorders not least of all for overeating. Far more people are dangerously overweight than underweight. They suffer from diseases like heart disease, high blood preasure, diabetes, osteoporosis, diseases of the joints, etc. The irony of the situation is, that the models who advertise Coca Cola, Mc Donalds, etc are invariably slim and have perfect teeth and skin. I wonder how much Coca Cola they drink?
Daylia and leeneia both pointed out, that the weight of a woman's body is within her own control. So why are they so bitter about supermodels being a different shape to the one they choose?