The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83374   Message #1537216
Posted By: Bonecruncher
07-Aug-05 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005 - the verdict?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005 - the verdict?
Congratulations to the organisers for a first class week.
A phoenix arose from the ashes, rather than the dodo expected by the detractors.
Although numbers were down, a great number of people who "only came for the weekend" decided to stay longer. Also many new people booked in to the camp site during Tuesday and Wednesday. Could some of these have been those who said "Sidmouth 2005 will never work"?
LNE numbers were obviously down due to the reduced overall number of attendees. Many people came with children and were unable to attend LNE due to babysitting. A few parties changed camp-site to be nearer to LNE. We could have made use of a few more volunteer stewards at LNE, though.
Those who believed in the Festival were there.
I had a fantastic time meeting old friends and making new ones, as well as seeing some wonderful entertainment.
The organisers did a fantastic job in the short time they had available and no doubt next year will be even better.