The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83504   Message #1537319
Posted By: alanabit
08-Aug-05 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
Subject: RE: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
Thank-you Dinavan, your penultimate sentence is also exactly what I said in my final paragraph of 0443 on 7/8/05.
So if a person's weight is not within their control, who does stuff those hundreds of excess calories into their bodies? No one here is arguing that it is a good idea to try and make yourself look like Kate Moss. I am arguing that you are more likely to feel good yourself and to look good to others if you eat healthily and exercise properly.
Gross over eating is encouraged by a whole industry - as is essentially passive behaviour. There is also a problem with the sheer amount of sugar and fat which is "hidden" in many foods (breakfast cereals for instance), which are ostensibly something else. You have the choice though whether to do what they want you to. If you ingest filth like coca cola and sit watching videos more than you exercise, you just might end up overweight. Anorexia is tragic, but far more people die of heart disease, diabetes and liver failure.