The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83504   Message #1537532
Posted By: GUEST,daylia
08-Aug-05 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
Subject: RE: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
I agree Michelle, and with alanabit and dianavan too. While everyone exposed to the media is influenced by it, and often in unhealthy ways, certainly only a few develop an eating disorder. There are many other predisposing factors - the article I linked to above lists quite a few. ANd it is interesting to note that the media is more likely to influence the vulnerable toward obesity than toward anorexia/bulimia. Yet, the behaviors which produce either condition could be called "eating disorders", no?

I'd like to point out that while Amsel attributed the statement "the weight of a woman's body is within her control" to myself and leeneia, a quick check over my posts above shows I said no such thing! Not sure leeneia did either.

And I do NOT agree with Amsel's statement! Certain elements of a person's physique - like height, eye and hair color, and yes even basic build (relative proportions of muscle/fat/bone) - are determined by genetics. Now granted, people can modify their weight alot easier than their height - but the biological 'template' people are born with is not under their conscious control.

What I'm trying to get at is why healthy people choose to modify that 'basic template' - because once that decision is made, the "hows" of such modication can lead to eating disorders - and obesity, anorexia, bulimia etc.

The "whys" have already been discussed here thoroughly - obviously, most 10 year old girls don't start "dieting" on their doctor's orders, but because they want to look like Britany! Over the years I've had quite a few of my pre-adolescent (female) students tell me they're on diets, even though only a couple are what I'd call overweight. (I often leave little snacks out for them while they wait - nuts, bowls of candied fruit, pretzels etc. That's how I know! THe bowl empties so fast when the boys are around - but the nights I have mostly girls 10 and over I hardly ever need to refill)

I had a very pretty little 6 yr old, with the very normal healthy little padding of baby fat for that age - tell me all down in the mouth last fall that she was way too "fat"!   Pretty sad .... but then again, if I were her Mom I'd have been saying "No, not yet!" the makeup and pantyhose and heels and provocative little lacy see-thru tops (complete with push-up bras size 26AAA?!?) that kid was always wearing too. What IS it with the fashion industry these days? Just check out little girl's stores like "LaSenza Girls" - honestly, the clothes look like mini-versions of what you find in women's lingerie shops! Are they are trying to cater to pedophiles, or am I just a sour old fossil at 47 - or what?!? I'm just thankful I was dressing boys all those years as Mom!

Sorry this is so long, but one last point - it's not just lack of exercise or overeating the 'wrong' foods, but often dieting itself that causes obesity. My poor mom, who was genetically endowed with a naturally 'big-boned' physique - has been on different diets all my life.   She's 70 now and she's still overweight, and STILL trying new ones! Did they ever work? Well, maybe for a few weeks, then the weight would reappear - with interest. Did she ever overeat? Not that I remember - she gained the extra pounds during her six pregnancies, and just never was able to lose them. She always ate like a bird, severely restricted her food to a few unsavory choices, never ate the family meals (even though she cooked them). She was either fasting or living on less than 1000 calories/day for years. No wonder her metabolism is so slow by now she can hardly eat anything without gaining weight!

What's worse is her painful attitude toward herself though ... I can't imagine what it would be like to hate what you see in the mirror every morning for 50 years straight.   :-(   Anyway, thanks for listening!