The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83504   Message #1537557
Posted By: alanabit
08-Aug-05 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
Subject: RE: BS: What Constitutes a 'Super Model'?
I think we are getting somewhere now. Yes, the media is telling us a constant pack of lies about what we can do to our bodies - although most of the damaging messages - "Drink coke!", "Eat fast food!" tend to be subliminal.
I am also in agreement with the assertion that constantly going on diets is likely to do no good at all. We have long known that it can actually hinder the body's ability to process food.
Not many health professionals I know, however, blame obesity on genetic factors. In fact, only a small minority of cases are due to that.
Reading what I have about one country, in particular, makes me realise why it is so very hard for people in some countries to maintain a desired body weight. If the following were true where I lived, I would certainly be grossly overweight:
I were not able to cycle the three or four miles into work a couple of times a week.
I were not able to walk an average of two or three miles a day just shopping or walking with my children.
I were not able to buy museli and breakfast cereals, which did not contain huge amounts of hidden sugar. (True of other foodstuffs too).
I did not have time to clean fresh vegetables and prepare fresh food.
If I could not buy drinks without a high sugar content.(This used to be true in Eastern Europe).
If I were not able to do a proper fitness routine several times a week.
It is also worth noting that you may welll need less calories if you are in a hot environment (although you certainly still need to eat properly) or if you have a sedentary lifestyle. In my case, I know I am overweight because I have failed to adjust my eating habits now that I am not out one man banding (physical work) every day. It is within my control though.
The bad news is that advertisers are investing enormous sums of money in trying to persuade us to eat badly. The good news is that we can ignore them.
With regard to Daylia's remarks about the sexualistion of children - I could not agree more. I think it is repulsive - as evil and despicable as cigarette advertising.