The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83672   Message #1539514
Posted By: GUEST,angry nonmember
10-Aug-05 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: female musicians in Hull
Subject: Female musicians in Hull
Hi...I'm a female folk musician in Hull, (unfortunately I must say a very rare thing).. I hate to knock Hull, but why is the music scene here so male dominated? Or is it like this everywhere?

I've been trying on and off for years to get some kind of small combo/duo together, but with little luck. One of the main reasons is that virtually every musician I've played with has seen it as a golden opportunity to get off with me. This has led to a lot of grief, including one incident which has led to me hardly picking up my fiddle in the last 2 years.

Am I supposed to only play with other females? Or are there any musos out there whose brains are not in their trousers??

I'm not one of those nasty feminists, honest, but my experiences with these assholes has put me off and held me back, and they would not have happened if I was male.

What do you think anyone?