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Thread #83682   Message #1539853
Posted By: GUEST
11-Aug-05 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Subject: RE: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Yes, I've been reading from Daily Kos as well--they have this report on the probably arrests tomorrow:

Cindy Sheehan to Be Arrested Thursday
by David Swanson
Mon Aug 8th, 2005 at 10:55:39 PDT
(From the diaries -- kos)

Cindy Sheehan phoned me from Texas a few minutes ago to say that she's been informed that beginning Thursday, she and her companions will be considered a threat to national security and will be arrested. Coincidentally, Thursday is the day that Rice and Rumsfeld visit the ranch, and Friday is a fundraiser event for the haves and the have mores. Cindy said that she and others plan to be arrested.

David Swanson's diary :: ::
CODE PINK is reporting that the idea of Thursday arrests started with speculation, not a threat from authorities. I am unable to confirm or deny that.

Meanwhile, I have a voice message from Cindy saying that they left their spot on the side of the road because of a storm and now the Sherrif's men are trying to post no trespassing signs and force them to leave. I am unable to confirm or deny this or provide any more details.

I got Cindy on the phone and she continued to maintain that the threat of arrest was real, but said that it came to her via Diane Wilson. I spoke to Diane, who said that it came from Texas State Rep Lon Burman, a Democrat. She said that he was not speaking on behalf of or communicating any information from the Bush Administration or the Secret Service or the Sheriff's Department. But she maintained that what he had predicted was already starting.

Both Sheehan and Wilson said that the County Sherrif's deputies on Saturday identified several areas as county property on which they could stand. Now they claim that most of these area are private property, and that they had not known that. So, this afternoon the deputies forced Cindy and about 25 people with her onto one small area on one side of a road.

Wilson said that they threatened arrest if anyone refused to move to the proper small area. Cindy was skeptical of the claims about who owned the land. "Can you believe that on the road to the President's house they don't know exactly who owns it?"

Both she and Wilson said they expected they would get arrested Thursday. Cindy said, "I think we need as many people here on Thursday anyway, because Rice and Rumsfeld will be here....I'd rather not get arrested, but I'm willing to, I'm willing to have them pick me up and carry me away."