The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83690   Message #1539922
Posted By: Abby Sale
11-Aug-05 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: Happy! - Aug 11 (Hugh MacDiarmid)
Subject: Happy! - Aug 11 (Hugh MacDiarmid)

Happy Birthday!

Preeminent Scottish poet and leader of the Scottish literary renaissance

Hugh MacDiarmid


(d 9/9/1978)

        Come, follow me into the realm of music.
        Here is the gate which separates the earthly from the eternal.

                        From "Plaited Like the Generations of Men," Hugh MacDiarmid.

In addition, MacDiarmid says some extremely uncomplimentary things about folk-song & folk-singers. He implored Ewan MacColl to return to the theater since MacColl was, in his opinion, wasting his talent on what was essentially trivial material.

In his book, Alias MacAlias, (required reading) Great Hamish writes:
"Owing to the constant fruitful interaction of folk-song and art literature in our tradition." It is often impossible to know "where MacAlias ends and Anon begins....A sort of friendly communal cannibalisation has therefore been the rule rather than the exception in Scottish literature." Art & folk poets have stolen from each other and both from Anon. There are also poets that that write original works and palm them off as by Anon."

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