The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83682   Message #1539952
Posted By: GUEST,G
11-Aug-05 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Subject: RE: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Do you people ever consider reading other news, articles, etc.?
While I am pretty much a centrist (and I do have my own opinions) It is my policy to try and obtain information from all the angles. I did not denigrate WJC like this even though I felt that was the greatest waste of brainpower ever.

This lady met with GWB earlier this year. She is now a pawn of a couple radical left organizations. Do you think she is funding this escapade on her own? No, she won't take anyone out, how in the hell could she? What a ridiculous thing to think, let alone say!

Regarding the Washington Post article, don't think for a minute they will print anything to the contrary. I will look up an article I read the past couple days where a letter home to his Mother was read at his service. How he believed in what he was doing, it was an honor for him to be in Iraq and if people only realized the truth of how much positive had been accomplished.

Agreed that some war vets have that attitude but not the majority. We have them volunteering to go back to Iraq after receiving a prosthesis. And going. Stories like the Washington Post pale in comparsion to the Regular Army reinlistment rate of 85 plus percent, 100 percent in some units. Of course, you will not see that on Buzz lash, or hear it on Air America.

It will be years before we really know the results of this Iraq war or all the aspects involved. The starvation of people there due to the UN scandal involving food for oil has been discovered and corrected. The UN,an abreviation for 'UNnecessary.