The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83503   Message #1540343
Posted By: GUEST,David Hannam
11-Aug-05 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are Muslims Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Are Muslims Rubbish?
No Le Scar, you didn't answer. I asked, "tell me how a man can be a dictator in a party of 99% volunteers and in a party where he can be challenged and removed if so the wish of the membership?"

and you upto now have answered,

Frankly I don't care how many volunteers he has, dictator was about his ambitions, say what you will.

That is not answering the question. As for ambitions, when you consider on the issue of democracy, the manifesto reads,

1. All laws against traditional free speech rights will be repealed, starting with the vague, politicised, and hypocritically-enforced laws pertaining to race and religion, which are virtually never enforced against foreigners attacking the racial and religious groups indigenous to Britain.

2. Guarantee the right of organisations and individuals who espouse unpopular opinions but have not broken any laws (other than illegitimate laws against free speech) to organise and campaign free from interference from or discrimination by, the police, other state institutions, and bodies such as trades unions, employers' organisations or commercial entities.

3. Guarantee the rights of individuals to join, and organise according to their political beliefs in, trades unions and professional bodies.

4. All political parties should be protected by a new law which makes the employment of violence or intimidation for political purposes a serious offence carrying a minimum of two years in prison, or a doubling of the usual sentence for the offence, whichever is the greater.

5. We will disband all government-sponsored attempts to exploit ethnic minority voters by means of such programmes as Operation Black Vote.

6. A ban on postal voting for all except the seriously sick and elderly. No use of electronic or other non-polling booth voting systems, as none will yet command the confidence of the electorate in the way which the traditional ballot box does.

7. Instruct the Electoral Commission to deal as a matter of urgency with the way in which organisations which do not themselves contest elections are at present permitted to denigrate individual candidates or parties, thereby allowing their rivals to circumvent the proper spending limits on election material.

8. Ban the conducting or publishing of opinion polls in the last three weeks of an election campaign, as these can be used to 'stampede' voters and manipulate the democratic process.

9. In order to ensure that vested interests cannot 'buy' political parties, we will legislate to ensure that political parties must organize and function only with such funds as they are able to raise from their own members and supporters. State funding, corporate donations by businesses or pressure groups, and political dues from trades unions will all be outlawed.

10. The rejection of ID cards – the core technique and expression of the repressive Surveillance State.

Hardly the writings of a dictator.

Your 'insult' is simply ridiculous, and i am afraid you are looking silly.

First you said he was a dictator, aside from the fact he can be removed and 99% are volunteers, then you said it was his ambitions that were dictatorial, but the manifesto completely contradicts what you say.

You have not done your homework.