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Thread #83682   Message #1540384
Posted By: GUEST
11-Aug-05 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Subject: RE: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
LarryK, the Drudge Report and Bill O'Reilly's show both have a pro-Bush agenda. They are spearheading the right wing media drive to discredit Cindy Sheehan. Who, by the way, doesn't need ANYONE's "permission"--not her son's, not her family's--to speak her mind. What an unbelieveably sexist crock THAT is.

The woman is the mother of a soldier killed in action in a war she believes is illegal and unjust. THAT is the source of her personal power. But her authority is no lesser or greater than any other citizen who has the constitutional right to freely speak her mind anywhere she chooses, and to petition her government leaders to meet her and discuss policies she feels are detrimental to the nation.

BTW, do tell--no, SHOW us this purported letter telling her to shut up, won't you?

As to her refusal to appear again on the O'Reilly factor, if you go to Joe Trippi's blog, you will hear an interview with her explaining the reasons why she chose not to appear on his show a second time (hint: it has something to do with the despicable treatment she received on her first appearance on his program).

As to her "changing her story" crap: that is an out and out lie. She first met with Bush while in the very early stages of her grief, shortly after her son died. Peoples' entire worlds change when they experience the loss of a loved one, and a parent's anger and anguish over the death of a child often is a trigger for them to transform themselves and their lives. Just ask Patty Wetterling or or John Walsh.

The only people who never change are inflexible, fearful people like you, LarryK, who keep your head down in the sand, and refuse to change or consider any views and opinions that differ from yours and your tribe.

GuestG, Ms Cindy isn't misrepresenting herself in any way. As she said in an interview you can listen to over on Joe Trippi's blogsite, just because she wasn't on the radar of the right wing media and blogosphere doesn't mean she just suddenly showed up on the side of Prairie Chapel Rd in Crawford, Texas last Saturday out of the blue.

She has been active in the anti-war movement since her son was killed, and even testified before Congress on the Downing Street memo. She co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace. I wouldn't compare her to Rosa Parks, as much as I would to Patty Wetterling. One reason why Cindy words carry so much power is because she has actually had the "ultimate sacrifice" forced upon her, in the same way that Patty Wetterling and John Walsh were when their children were kidnapped. The "noble cause" they serve is the memory of their dead children.

BTW LarryK, have you lost a son or daughter in Iraq? Have Drudge or O'Reilly? Has George W. Bush, who has draft-age daughters?