The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7985   Message #1540686
Posted By: GUEST,
11-Aug-05 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Siul a Ruin
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Suil a Ruin
The version I learned in grade school should probably predate PP&M, but I am not sure. It would have been somewhere in the vicinity of 1960-1963.
Here I sit on Buttermilk Hill.
-------------- and cry my fill.
Johnny's gone for a soldier.

Oh, my baby oh, my love,
Gone the rainbow gone the dove.
Your father was my only love.
Johnny's gone for a soldier.

Shool, shool shool aroon.
Shool a rack shack,
shool a bobba coo.
Johnny's gone for a soldier.

There are some lines I can't remember and the rest is the recollection in my 50's of words I may have misinterpreted at 11 or 12. The word Buttermilk is what I remember, but may have been corrupted by later hearing the PP&M version. Does anyone esle remember this or any thing similar?