The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83682   Message #1540738
Posted By: Bobert
11-Aug-05 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Subject: RE: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
And, hey, I'm gettin' a little tired of hearin' the neo-con PR machine program their little apologists to go out and say dumbass stuff like, "Well, this is your opinion..."

Excuse my language, but this is pure bullsh*t!

Let's do a little review here:

During the run-up to war the Bushites said:

1. Saddam is trying to crank up nmuclear weapons. Rememeber the talk of mushroom clouds??? At the time there were credible folks oput there not being covered by the mainstream media but out there none the less sayin' "Bullsh*t"... And there were lots of us her at mudcat trying to get the brownshirt Bushites to listen but all they wanted to do was call us un-American and say that was just our opinion. Sound familar?

2. Then it was WMD's... Same game, same players, same results. It too was bullsh8t...

3. Aluminum tubes... Same

4. Links to AlQuida... Same

But all along it was those who were *correct* who were constatntly being portaryed as the ones with the "opinions"...

Many of us predicted an urban war that would end up in a quagmire... And what did the Bushite apologists do.. Called us unAmerican and opinionated???

Seein' a pattern yet???

So, after the "Mission Accomplished" fiesko where Bush fakes like he had landed a jet on an aircraft and congratulated all the service for a job well done we entered the post "Mission Accomplished" PR phase of the same-old-tune crapola...

5. Saddam was a bad man!!! Rememeber that one??? Oh, now that was going to get the "opinionated" opponents in line...More tax payer bought PR Bullsh*t...

6. Well, we're bringing "democrarcy" to the Iraqi people... Oh yeah, like how ya gonna do that when you don't care about it here (think the 2000 election theft)... (Oh, but that's just yer opinion, Bobert...) Bullsh*t!!! Read Greg Palast's book and come back and say that... The evidence is overwhelming... (But that's yer opinion, Bobert...) No, not really... Read the friggin' book...

So here we are. Looks like those of of with the opinions have proven out to be the ones who were correct????

How do any of you Bush-heads respond to that???

And yet what do we get as the Number One defensive arguement from the neo-con puppets/parrots: We have a difference of opinion...

Danged right we do and our side just happens to be skunkin' yer side...

No brag, just fact!!!

