The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83682   Message #1540834
Posted By: Bobert
11-Aug-05 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Subject: RE: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Yeah, bb, and I'll stick by every one of 'um... All were in response to yer sides relentless PR drumbeat to beat those on this side into submission....

Yes, I would not retract one single word, irregardless of correct spellin' or not...

The "brainwashed" statement sho nuff holds true and that is the point I have been making... You brainwashed neo-con radicals had no tolerance during the run up to war... No, it was "either you are with us or you are against us" demonizin' those who were sayin, "Hey, wait a friggin' minute" into terrorists. Hmmmmmmm? Looks like yer side was wrong on that one....

What's next? Yeah, same friggin' obseravtion... Your crowd is so hell-bent on parrotin' anything that you hear from one of yer radical neo-con assh*les, who, BTW, dominate the radio, that yuo and yers refuse to look beyond the latest PR line that you are supposed to regergitate on command like Pavlov's friggin' dog...

If you folks had just asked a couple of questions rather than take hook, line, sinker, fisherman, fishermans car and the road he drove to the lakke on you and yers just mighta found that in askin' just a couple easy questions that there was indeed common ground to be found... But no! You and yers struck out a slash and burn position that allowed for nuthin but pure allegence to yer hero... It was you side that wouldn't give an inch... not ours...

Okay, what's next... Vindcitive, bb? Hey, it's yer crowd doing all this killin' and torturin'... Fir the life o' me I can't see why you you would pick that one out as an example of just what a bad person I am????

Bottom line, it's yer side that has 100% of the power... So, ahhh, maybe you'd like to explain to peanut gallery how it is that the powerless people are now being vindictive????

