The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83682   Message #1540856
Posted By: Bobert
11-Aug-05 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
Subject: RE: BS: Cindy Sheehan to be arrested tomorrow
I don't support killin' and torturin' folks fir political gain, bb...

Maybe you need the mirror...

After 4 years of folks with a differnt opinion being bullied, harrassed, demonized, it's yer side that need a good hard look in the mirror...

Shame on every one of you brownshirt radicals... You folks are no conservatives... You are radicals who have killed folks for political and power gains... You folks have turned the tables on the working class so that most folks workin' today will never be able to retire... You folks have borrowed so much money from Europe and China that it will take generations to pay it back... Just today you folks voted in an "Transporation Bill" that has over 6,000 porl barrell projects that go to whom??? You folks!!! And paid for by whom??? Me and other hard workin' Americans...

Yeah, you want to cleverly place the blame on the victims of what you folks have donw but I ain't buyin' it and guess what, bb, the American people are slowly but surely geetin' the real piccure... But you just go ahead and think it is the victims that are the ones with the serious problems because you are half right... We have serious problems in that you folks have somehow stole our governemnt and are killin', torturin' and exploitin folks both here and elsewhere...

Ain't 'bout mirrors... 'Bout what God expects of each and every one of us to do in regards to respectin' life and our planet... Yer guys don't seem to know much about that... Sho nuff know how to steal stuff, though...

(oh, BObert... That's a dredded.... ahhhhh, opinion!!!!)

Yeah, but just like lots of them Ive voiced, I gotta a good fellin' that there's quite a bit of truth within it...

