The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83672   Message #1541019
Posted By: Cod Fiddler
12-Aug-05 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: female musicians in Hull
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
Thank you for your endorsement Bloke-in-the-corner-on-brother's-computer. People come from far further afield than Hull to sample the delights of the Barrow session (of which B-I-T-C-O-B-C is the unelected non-leader). Testimony to its excellent quality and atmosphere! I couldn't make Warpy's Black Boy session but I have heard very good things about it and I'll definitely be at the next one on the 5th. Incidently, Warpy, Spiers and Boden are at the Processed Pea the following night!

I'm called Cod Fiddler because I do indeed fiddle with cod (population genetics in North Sea). But hopefully not for much longer. Thesis nearly there. Life awaits!