The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67948   Message #1541022
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Aug-05 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
Subject: RE: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
You poor soul...

Here's my take on it:

I can imagine life without her would be just like last week. ;-)

Myself alone, enjoying my music, models, books, and friends...
My love is here, right inside my own heart
Strong and secure, linked to her, because we are one in Spirit.
I can't imagine life without her smile, because it lives in my consciousness, regardless of where she is.
I see her angelic face in my mind's eye.
The world is full of beauty. She is just one facet of that.
I'm a lucky guy.
My life means everything to me, whether or not I have her.
Where can she be? Probably where she wants to be, and that's good.
I love her, so I want her to be happy.
Maybe it would make her happy to be elsewhere? With someone else?
If so, I will support that, because her happiness is my happiness, and that means I free her to be and do exactly what she wants, with whom she wants.

This is freedom for both. Love imparts freedom, not bondage.

(the above is NOT a poem, it's a statement)