The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1541937
Posted By: The Shambles
15-Aug-05 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
It may be considered appropriate that in extreme certain cases – speedy imposed judgement – and deletion be imposed to remove a individual contribution from Max's website. That is a right that Max has reserved and one that very few posters would take issue with.

Any form of editing action that is speedily judged and imposed without the posters knowledge or permission – by an anonymous volunteer fellow poster as a matter of routine – in circumstances other than these extreme (and rare) cases is a different matter. And as any imposition could also be seen as the most adversarial, provocative and counter-productive action that our forum could take against a poster – this unfriendly imposition should be undertaken only as, rarely, openly and sensitively as possible?

When the routine adversarial action is subsequently defended and justified as consistently conforming to some policy and showing equal treatment – and it is plainly not seen to be this – the whole creditability and traditional open nature of our forum is brought into serious question. Especially when there is more than a question that the judgement behind these actions may be personally motivated and selective. I feel there should never be seen to be any question of this.

Many requests have been made that the perfectly valid personal opinions, of our volunteer fellow posters – are always to be clearly seen to be this and posted conventionally - so that any assumptions and judgements expressed about fellow posters can never be mistaken for anything other than this. This perfectly valid request has been ignored.

Many personal views and judgements continue to be expressed in editing comments - that are inserted into posts and do not refresh the thread - and many claims to be speaking for what is editing policy – continue to be expressed alongside personal views and judgements – in conventional posts. This practice is confusing and hardly likely to be generally seen as impartial. Perhaps our volunteer fellow posters can now be asked to make a choice – between one role - or the other?

This is our open Discussion Forum on Max's Mudcat Café – perhaps it can return to being run as such and not run like a government department, a newspaper with an editor or an abusive and bullying mob.

I can impose no rules upon our volunteer fellow posters and there is no attempt by me to do so. The attempt is only to try and prevent more and more imposed personal judgements by anonymous fellow posters from shaping our forum and allow it to once again be shaped – as it was and should be – by the contributions of posters in the words of their choosing.