The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83672   Message #1542054
Posted By: Cod Fiddler
15-Aug-05 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: female musicians in Hull
Subject: RE: female musicians in Hull
Remarkably, it's true. All I did was bat my eyelashes once and play my fiddle. Maybe I should change my name to Jack Orion!

"Jack Orion was as good fiddler
As ever fiddled on a string
And he could drive young women mad
By the tune his wires would sing

But he would fiddle the fish out of salt water
Water from bare marble stone
Or the milk from out of a maiden's breast
Though baby she had none"

Sadly it hasn't happened again so I presume that either my fiddling has got worse or I bat my eyelids with less panache.