The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83822   Message #1543309
Posted By: GUEST,number 6 (at work)
16-Aug-05 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Price of Gas
Subject: RE: BS: Price of Gas
good article Bev and Jerry, or is it Bev or is it Jerry.

This energy crisis is a lot more complicated than trying to fill our gas tanks. A lot of these distant solutions on the horizon are not going to cut it, that is for mass viabel alternative . These solutions in themselves are energy driven to provide ... cost of producing hydrogen, the cost of producing solar panels (for every house, every office tower).

Anyway ... I beleive one major solution is that we will have to become more regionalized or community sufficient. That means in agriculture, providing the fulfillment of our daily goods that we require. Our own commuities will have to thrive, maybe bringing us back in touch not only in our environment but with ourselves.

It will mean the end of 'gated communities, the Walmarts, the home depots, 2 cars per family ... the generel excessivness that has grasped our society ... an execssivenss that has brought only hollow hopes and happiness.
