The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83822   Message #1543790
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
17-Aug-05 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Price of Gas
Subject: RE: BS: Price of Gas
Pearl, you sound like a spoilt bitch to me. Try looking at life in some other parts of the world.

Pdq, you're talking utter crap. Many of those 300 million "idle poor" were born in the countries that are stocking US shelves. When did you last buy a watch or t-shirt made in the US?

As Bill D says, we've seen the problem coming for years. But the US chose to ignore it rather than have anything interfere, ever so slightly, with the pampered lifestyles of the country's "haves," including those who can afford to swan off on 1700-mile round trips at the drop of a hat. (If you'd been born with a different colour of skin, Bill, chances are you couldn't have made that trip, however important you think it was.)

But that's OK, because Bill and pdq have a better solution: get rid of the "have nots."