The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1545764
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Aug-05 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?

What make you think this problem is not resolvable. What I think is lacking is our will to resolve it and to carry on passing meanless personal judgements on each other (whether we have the power to impose these judgements or not). This forum has always been for public discussion and open debate - not judgement of a posters personal worth - by fellow posters.

Some seem to think that Max has the solution. I think that the solution is with all of us.

Whatever side you may feel you are forced into taking - THE PROBLEM is the FACT that there is all this DIVISION on our forum......Do you really think that all of this DIVISION is a non-problem and it will just go away if you think nice thoughts and keep your head in the sand long enough?

Do you really think it acceptable for moderators or representitives of the site's owner to mount public personal attacks upon fellow posters, isolate their postings for selective imposition, taunt, bully, call them names and encourage others to do this?

And even if you do think this behaviour is now acceptable on our forum and continue to openly side with this - would you be too surprised if others did not agree and would you accept that this disagreement might be a problem that may divide us - and for little or no reason? Or is this DIVISION a 'non-problem'?

This DIVISION remains a fact that sadly is only going to get worse - if it is not addressed and resolved to ensure that all posters can once again contribute on equal terms on our forum.