The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83865   Message #1545963
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
19-Aug-05 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
Sorry if I re-hash some of the above, but this being a very long thread I may have overlooked a few things and am repeating them. But---a brief history (of recent time):   

    1 Gaza:   Under Egyptian control until the 1967 war that not started by Israel.   Did the Egyptians offer the Palestinians a state there---NO.   
       Israel never intended to hang on to Gaza--merely use it as a bargaining chip w/ the Arab nations. The mistake was in encouraging the settlements.   Doing the right thing now does cause grief amongst those who were encouraged to go there, but one has to admit to a higher moral posture by Israel in working for peace

2)   Israeli terrorists:---One isolated incident---and tragic. The man was, I believe, promptly arrested.

3)   Jerusalem:   How quickly it is forgotten---perhaps intentionally so---that the city was off limits to Jews when it was in Arab hands. Once it came under Israeli control the city was open to all and jointly patrolled w/ Jordanian police.   All holy sites were respected--including Arab. Would that such a thing had occurred prior to Israeli getting control---also a thing that came about, fortuitously, I add, at the Arab instigation hostilities once again.

So---just a brief history to clear up some of the comments by a few folks here---mostly one--who always manage forget or fail to mention historical facts that do not line up with their pre-conceived and biased notions.

Bill Hahn