The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1545974
Posted By: Raedwulf
19-Aug-05 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Only if he promises to stick solely to that thread & never pollutes any other. Then we can ignore it... Ahhhh... But that'd spoil his fun - the average squalling two year old attention seeker never likes being ignored!

Roger - This 'problem' is not resolvable because you're on the other side of it! Beneath your facade of 'reasonable debate', you will never accept anything other than complete & utter capitulation to your point of view. Much as I like you in other respects, on the matter of censorship, you know my opinion of you! :-/

You pretend to be willing to talk, but for so long as there is any hint of what you consider censorship, you will be whining about it. My comparison of you, on this topic, with a two year is less than semi-joking. You claim to want debate & compromise, but no compromise is possible. It's all or nothing for you, & most posters here seem to believe that your philosophy is a road to nothing. I agree. In my experience an uncontrolled board becomes a desert. Winds may blow across it from the margins, but nothing fruitful lasts within its borders. Of course, you don't see that, you only see your flourishing Paradise; not under your control, perhaps, but under your benign patronage without which it could not be...

The rest of us see dry, dusty sand, but you persist... Monomania is a wonderful thing, but being full of wonder is not always a plus, any more than miracles or luck are always good...

Harpgirl - in your own terms, since you don't like it, why don't you eff off? Apart from Roger, the rest of us seem to like MC just fine. But, I suppose, since we're bored & fed up with Roger's mindless repetitive clockwork drivel, we must also be soulless mannequins under the control of the evil empire? Right? {Rollseyes} (P.S. Yes, I'm being sarcastic, & if you stop being defensive & sensitive on someone else's behalf, you might just start to see how silly you look).