The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83865   Message #1546063
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
19-Aug-05 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to the Palestinians.
When looking historically at the issue, there have been switches in power between different religious and ethnic groups in that region for an extremely long time. Years would go by peacefully when groups lived together no problem. Then years would come with taxation upon the those that weren't in power by those that were. And then war pursued and this cycle continued and still continues. When the nation of Israel was carved from the surrounding countries, many people were displaced, left homeless in a place that had been their homes. While researching this for a thesis, I was shocked and still am at the apparent lack of concern for the people living in the disputed areas. And today I'm still aggrevated by the situation. While I wish all those originally displaced could return to their old homes, I realize that isn't necessarily realistic and so I've become concerned about the Israelis living there currently. My opinion echoes that of many on the board when I believe that the returning of land to Palestine has been a long time in coming and it something that should happen. At the same time, it's very difficult for me to see and read about people being cleared from their homes because control is being restored to Palestine. Give power back, absolutely. But if those people chose to remain in their homes, they should be allowed, knowing that there are consequences that may follow. I even understand that maybe the Israeli feels they are protecting those citizens by dragging them from their homes, but if those people are willing to stay and live in Palestine and face what is to come, they should be allowed. It reminds me too much of the removal of Catholics from their homes in the North of Ireland, having been "encouraged" to move. If people are willing to try to live in renewed Palestinian lands, wish them luck after informing them of the possibilities that await them. Let them determine their own future without Sharon getting his already bloodied hands on them.