The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83939   Message #1546227
Posted By: Abby Sale
20-Aug-05 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: Happy! - Aug 20 (Oliver Hazard Perry)
Subject: Happy! - Aug 20 (Oliver Hazard Perry)

Happy Birthday!

Actual naval hero,

Adm. Oliver Hazard Perry


8/20/1785 (often born 8/23, sometimes born 8/4)
(d8/23/1819 on his 34th birthday [or not] of yellow fever at sea near Trinidad)

        O Johnny Bull, my jo, John, on Erie's distant shores, [1813]
        See how the battle rages, and loud the cannon roars;
        But Perry taught our seamen to crush the assailing foe,
        He met and made them ours,
        Johnny Bull, my jo.

                        "Johnny Bull, My Jo, John"

Everyone knows who said 'We have met the enemy, and he is us.' But who said 'We have met the enemy, and they are ours' after winning (interesting story) the Battle of Lake Erie?

In 2005, Happy Zoroastrian New Year (ie, Noruz); 1375 on the Shahanshahi (Parsi) calendar. (They have three calendars.)

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