The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1546249
Posted By: The Shambles
20-Aug-05 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Here's an alternative notion.

Leave Max out of it.

He's nobody's Dad around here, kids. We can quibble all day if we want -- I sure don't -- or we can find a reasonable compromise.

ASSUMING such a thing is possible.

Amos when the assumption is made that the problem is a non problem or it is only one poster that is the problem – posters could just ignore it. But when the solution is seen by our volunteers to post and encourage endless personal judgements – abusive personal attacks – foul language, name calling, threats, and assessments of every aspect of the perssonality of a fellow poster who they have never met. A poster who does not respond in kind but just tries to express and evidences their personal view on a public discussion forum set aside on Max's site – for that purpose. And when very few poster actually address the reality of the problem – there is very little chance of us all ever finding any real solution to a very real problem. For encouraging all this personal judgement and resulting division - IS the problem.

Amos - I welcome your late arrival to making some attempt at a solution to all this division - a solution that is more than possible – where there is a will. For a solution and an end to all this personal judgement - is not only possible – it is vital. But before much positive input can be added by our forum – the answers to certain question need to be openly provided to our forum as secrecy in these matters only leads to damaging speculation.

The Clone Department has certain editorial abilities. They are minimal. Evidently, Shambles feels they should be nil -- that only "fellow posters" in our great cybercommune should have the power to allow any changes.

1. Who are 'The Clone Department' now?

2. How many of them are there now?

3. Is it really so helpful or proportionate now - for any of these fellow posters to have the choice of being anonymous?

Amos –

Can the ability of these volunteer fellow posters to impose their personal judgement upon the words of their fellow posters – without their knowledge or permission – for purposes only of clarity and 'indexing' – really be described as minimal? What more real power over their fellow posters could they possibly require than this?

My view is not as you state – it is that many changes of course can be made to any contribution– with the originator's permission or possible at their request. But where the concern is only one of clarification - and stated to be in order to be helpful to our forum's readers – is it really now proportionate for such changes be imposed upon the words of our forum's contributors – without their knowledge or permission? When the attempt to always obtain permission first would be so easy to undertake and all posters would then again be seen to be receiving the equal treatment that has been customary (until recently) on our forum?