The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83563   Message #1546266
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
20-Aug-05 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Klarer und Lichter Morgenstern
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Klarer und Lichter Morgenstern
Hi leeneia - you must not call me Herr, I think in the Cat a little bit of familiarity is appropriate.
I'm just preparing the web-page with the song. It is not a new tune, but the same Zehetbauer uses in his composition. Note that Zehetbauer shifts the tune [cantus firmus, abbr. c.f.] from tenor to bass after the first two lines. It is the same, even in the same key, as in the modern Catholic hymnal I have before me. On monday I hope to have it in the web. The link you'll find on my page Signals, Mudcatters, For the Use Of. Click "Ave Maria klare"

I don't think that there will be found many new and fine songs in the Catholic Court Chapel Hymnal; the really good ones are always printed in new editions, and the others are forgotten.

And "Schaumtorte" may be tasty, but I have to look out for my waist, alas!