The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1547235
Posted By: Amos
22-Aug-05 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
1. RE: Auschwitz and other mass murder - Jan 30 2005 3:42AM
"None of these actions will have changed the fact that this post (and possibly others) will have been placed on this forum open to the public.

Attempts by the Nazi's and others - to rewrite history are rightly being critised here, so are their attempts to limit individual freedoms, silence any opposing views and ultimately take total control through these methods. For these to succeed not only will have good folk done nothing to prevent it - many other good folk will have actively supported these methods - and for what they consider (or are told to consider) are the very best reasons....

Many posts here express how difficult it is to understand how we do these terrible things to our fellow human beings. If we are to ever understand this and most importantly to stop doing it - it is vital that we first enable all views to be expressed - no matter how offensive we may think them to be. I would go further and say that the more we all agree how offensive these views are - the more important it is that we ensure that they remain for all to see..... "

2. Subject: RE: BS: PBS to Censor Auschwitz Documentary
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 22 Jan 05 - 05:11 PM

Again this preoccupation with the exact word for evil regimes. As if it really matters.

If you get bitten by a poisonous creature - and you wish to survive - it may be very important to know exactly what the species was - so as to be able use the correct anti-serum.

But other than that - debates about which one is more venomous than others matter little. As is probably enough to lump them together as posionous creatures and do your very best to avoid any contact with them or avoid creating any situations where these poisonous creatures can use their venom.

Any bite from any dictator is probably just as bad as a bite from a fascist dictator.....

I think this level of censorship is well-intended and perfectly acceptable..........