The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83721   Message #1547374
Posted By: Girl Friday
22-Aug-05 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: Eric Bogle or Jez Lowe
Subject: RE: Eric Bogle or Jez Lowe
Eric Bogle's songs may be good, but I am only familiar with a few of them. Jez is far more accessible , as he actually lives in this country , and comes down south a lot. Being a club organiser I know Jez , as well as his music , and have his entire c.d. releases. Yes , I am a fan , and have travelled to see him many times.

Still , I notice , some of you are throwing other names into this discussion. One of the best is Ron Trueman - Border. Resident of my Club , though he is so in demand that we don't see him too often.