The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1547485
Posted By: The Shambles
23-Aug-05 - 02:27 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
If you are the victim of any other kind of censorship send a PM to Joe, Max, Pene or any of the Joe Clones (even me). I assure you that you will receive a reasoned reply.

Susan -

I did just that. Perhaps you can tell me what good this was or what effect it had?

For this was before some anonymous volunteer fellow imposed the thread title change on the 'UK' thread - making it factually incorrect but still credited to me as the originator. Whatever further incorrect judgements are made by volunteer fellow posters who do not know thread subjects as well as the originator - the imposed change is not clarification - it is now more unclear to our forum's readers. If you need proof that this imposed change remains factually There is a record copied in this thread of thread from a Scottish poster pointing out that the legislation does not apply the the 'UK'.

Bert a volunteer fellow poster who I did PM - does feel that he needs to resort to making abusive personal attacks upon fellow posters that he may not agree with - has posted here to totally support my request that originators should be first consulted before any change is imposed upon their thread title.

His opinion does not seem to matter as Joe Offer continues to refer to 'WE' as if speaking for these volunteer fellow posters as if they were all always in total agreement with every action of Joe Offers - either as just a poster or volunteer fellow poster.

What action would have prevented Joe Offer from imposing the title change upon this thread also? Or from showing any poster who expresses a public view that is different with abusive personal attacks and name-calling and permitting (or encouraging by setting this example) other posters to do the same?

Things that we done some time ago cannot be undone. They can be apologised for - the lessons learned and not just allowed to carry on being repeated and attempted to be defended and justified.