The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60324 Message #1547583
Posted By: GUEST,inept 2
23-Aug-05 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Trouble with Nero and SCSI
Subject: RE: Tech help: Trouble with Nero and SCSI
Oh well I feel better knowing it's not just me being me! It is getting infuriating, last night I tried to burn about 15 times and it worked once? I lowered the burning speed and that did the trick, but then it gave up the ghost again.
I daren't uninstall the anti virus thingy because the last time I tried to uninstall something it was catastrophic and I had to call a computer fixer over to undo my self made mess.
The blank cd/r's are definitely a good brand, but it has now started telling me I am trying to burn onto a cd rom? Honest I'm not. I will give it one (or five) last attempts and get the computer fixer back again. Hey ho.