The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1547744
Posted By: George Papavgeris
23-Aug-05 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
True, Giok. I especially love his attempts at representing some sort of invisible group of dicontented members, with his constant "we" and "our" and "us". When by now we all know that he is the only one with these complaints; and that his complaint is not even an honest one, but an underhanded way of getting his own back against Joe for perceived slights of 4 years ago.

So he fights on regardless. He ignores awkward questions - indeed he ignores most questions, because he is not into debating. What he is into, is asking questions with the intention of sowing doubt. He knows his problem but cannot afford to recognise it openly - that would mean invalidating 4 years' worth of bickering and even worse, it would mean having to change his opinion of his own worth. He needs to be a hero of the downtrodden, a martyr, to feel good about himself. Sad, but not unique in that.

He will complain about name-calling, then hypocritically call others names. He will repeat the same questions and the same quotes, and pretend that he does not realise he is being offensive in doing so (all the while offending being what he actually intends - more hypocrisy). He pretends to be hurt by abuse and to be ever so meek himself, then PMs others to abuse them. And all the while, his true purpose (to hurt Joe) is exposed.

In the end, as long as he confines his rantings to 1-2 threads, he does little damage; the only ones taking him seriously for a while are newbies, who soon enough wise up to his tricks. And the rest of the forum continues merrily, with some of us occasionally dipping in here to prod the bear and see it react. And all the time, the bear runs up and down demented, like some that you see in badly-kept zoos.

Pathetic; for him and for us, if truth be told. But having tried to reason with him time and again, I cannot honestly blame those who lash out at him in their frustration. If he will not confine himself out of harm's way and keep instead posting here, he deserves all he gets.