The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83989   Message #1547815
Posted By: GUEST,daylia
23-Aug-05 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: An Open Letter To Bob Dylan
Subject: RE: An Open Letter To Bob Dylan
Because they do not chat does not mean they are self absorbed or snotty. They are just doing their own thing.

Hmmm .... good point. He sure gives the impression of being self-absorbed to the max! But who knows - as LH says, that may be simply his way of dealing with fear, of 'insulating' himself from the public?

Please let me confirm that musically, I DID enjoy that concert. Very much! I'd bought "Slow Train" a few months before and liked it alot - but my friends were not of like mind. Neither were 9/10 people in that crowd, from the sounds of things.

Naive as I was at the time, I guess I did fully "expect" that a world-class artist like Dylan might have more charisma. That he might find the kindness, confidence and goodwill to indulge his own fans with the few minutes of nostalgia they so obviously wanted. I just couldn't believe it when he failed to do that! Why not?!? Not even as an encore, when it might not have 'derailed' his Slow Train as much??

So there you are. They're right when they say that expectations are premeditated resentments! BUt still, as a performer imo he deserved all the boos he got that night - and more. ANd that has NOTHING to do with his musicianship, or his songwriting, or his 'message'.

If I cared to listen to Dylan today, I'd borrow a CD - maybe even from you, LH! :-) Because I've watched him perform on video and TV etc many many times since, and didn't ever notice much difference in his attitude.

It's like going to see Beethoven. I wouldn't expect him to talk either...

Well if you did, you'd probably be real disappointed cuz he couldn't hear you anyway. :-)

Hey, they may be more alike than we know, LH! Not only did the forever rebellious, independent, crusty ole Beethoven 'push the limits' in his day and age; delighting in thumbing his nose at his benefactors / patrons / audiences by absolutely refusing to be "owned" or to write music "as proscribed" by his patrons, but lookie here --

Young Ludwig

Young Bob
