The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84008   Message #1548042
Posted By: akenaton
23-Aug-05 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
I take it this is the same Mr Robertson who in the 1990s tried to arrange a deal between his organisation and the Bank of Scotland.

Account holders protested en masse and the bank was forced to withdraw.
Mr Robertsons views were obviously acceptable to the bankers but not to the Scottish people.

Political assasination should not seem outlandish to Americans, given the number of times Fidel has been targeted by the US .

It does look as if something is happening politically in most of South America...A new way of government concentrating on equality.
Lets hope Its given a chance to flourish...could be the beginning of the end for "bloody capitalism"..Ake