The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16550   Message #154808
Posted By: catspaw49
28-Dec-99 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: I'm outta here
Subject: RE: BS: I'm outta here
I think BB/Neo has officially emerged from her shell...........and RiB, I think Mr. Paton has long ago acquired the strength to fend off the influence of the likes of me. Now BB on the other hand............

Kendall, I'd like to say that all these folks are adept storytellers in the best traditions of the music and the sad reality is that none of them could give a tinker's damn about whether you are here or not. They have no morals and the spirit of goodwill and caring which you would expect is sadly lacking. It gives me pride to say that I couldn't give less of a turkey whether or not you go to the swamps or the moon, and if you decide to go to either, take Garg with you and throw his ass into either the middle of a gator's mouth or a convenient crater, depending on where you are. If you DO get a chance to go on-line from wherever, you might check in here just to let us know you're okay. Nobody really cares, but the bandwidth may as well be used. If we don't here from you regularly, the Insanevac chopper will be sent out to retrieve your sorry ass and take you to the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed where you belong anyway. In the meantime, I will continue singing bad harmony to "Phoebe Snow."

Be safe, be careful, be back........
