The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81331   Message #1548127
Posted By: Bobert
23-Aug-05 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Well, well, well...

A subject that I can sink my teeth into...

Well, since moving down (up) to Luray from Wes Ginny we have been blessed in meetin' Clifford...

Clifford is 'bout 70 year old and puts in amonster garden every year and sells, if you call it that, just about evry veggie that can be growed 'round these parts...

Plus, I tilled up a 10' X 5' space and me and the P-Vine put in obe yellow squash plant, a couple cucumber plants and a zucinni plant... Well, this little plot is gettin' use 4 or five cukes and another 4 or five yellow squash every day and show no sign of givin' out... Its incfredible....

Plus we a zuccini 'bout every 5 days...

But that ain't the entire story since Clifford has adopted us... He has the P-Vine down there helpin' him pick produce every other mornin' and gives her 10 pounds of beans 'er a 5 gallon bucket of tomatoes 'er whatever he has lots of... We've canned 14 guarts of tomatoes allready...

We went back to the Wes Ginny house today and brought up (down) the freezer, which is out on the porch defrostin', so the P-Vine can start puttin' stuff up in the freezer...

Oh yeah, we got beets comin' out our ears as well as taters, same late corn but the best part is fresh tomatoes and cukes every day...

