The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3174   Message #15482
Posted By: dani
29-Oct-97 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Saccharine Overload (songs)
Subject: RE: Saccarine Overload
Joe, your point is well taken. In my church (Unitarian Universalist) there is a joke, "Why are Unitarian Universalists terrible singers? Because they're always looking ahead to see if they'll agree with the words!"

However, bad is bad. But for the sake of argument, could we hear from anyone who'd like to defend any of the above *gems*? I'll defend 'Sugar Sugar' - wasn't that a centerpiece of the old Archies phenom? Their records were on the backs of cereal boxes - 45's that you punched out of the cardboard to play. Bobby Sherman was another of these, as I recall. These were the first of my music collection! Though I like to think my taste has broadened some in the ensuing years, don't begrudge a fun start!

At the risk of alienating a nation, I'd like to submit the name (and voice, and all the songs) of Gordon (it's been good to know ya) Lightfoot.
