The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84008   Message #1548270
Posted By: Donuel
23-Aug-05 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
If I called for the killing of an American leader I would be arrested.
(believe me, I've had to deal with the Secret Service before)
If I call for the murder of a foriegn leader - I might be praised but not arrested.

What if:   If Chavez is killed then Robertson could very well be charged with the conspiracy to murder...but I doubt if the administration will allow his extradition to Caracas.

Bill Mahre: "Robertson is a urine soaked idiot with a bull horn and squeegee yelling on the street corner to listen to him. If TV religion hadn't paid off so well he might well be spouting his urine soaked rhetoric on the street corner instead of a multi million dollar Christian network.

All in all Pat Robertson makes a good case for unintelligent design.