The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84008   Message #1548297
Posted By: Don Firth
24-Aug-05 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
Subject: RE: BS: Hmmm.... Noted Without Comment
No particular confusion here, Amos.

In normal day-to-day existence, I am not at all judgmental. Live and let live. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, whatever turns somebody's crank is okay with me.

But when someone says or does something that is so blatantly wrong, especially if what that person says or does could influence others, I feel that one is ethically and morally remiss not to make that judgment and speak out.

Don Firth

P. S. And whoever or whatever that bit of static up above was, I average about a book and a half a week—all the way through—and have done so since I was a teenager. That works out to well over 2,000 books. All the way through. Fiction, non-fiction, I'm a generally omnivorous reader. I do, however, follow Nancy Pearl's (Book Lust) principle that if a book hasn't captured my interest in the first fifty pages, I might just set it aside and pick up something else. The walls of our apartment are lined with bookshelves, several thousand volumes of various kinds, most of which I have read, others are reference, which I consult often.

I can read fairly rapidly because when I read, I don't have to move my lips.