The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83916   Message #1548413
Posted By: The Shambles
24-Aug-05 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Subject: RE: HI Max: What about Shambles requests?
Joe Offer says.

Shambles says:
I for one have no wish to have a say in how Max's site is run.

MMario says.

Roger - you must consider context.

What was said in full was -

Kendall - It is indeed long been clear that this site belongs to Max and I for one have no wish to have a say in how Max's site is run.

However this is a part of Max's website that he has very generously set aside for invited contributions from the public and called the Mudcat Discussion Forum.

Joe Offer also says.

Well, I have to agree with Shambles that Max seems to convey the idea that this is "our" forum. However, it also seems quite clear that very few of us want "our" forum to be taken over by those who would wish to make it a place of combat and chaos.

My view is that it is partly this unrealistic fear of our forum being 'taken over' has led to the current situation where 'combat and chaos' is now the norm. It must be clear now to many on our forum - that the main aim of those whose impossible wish is to control every aspect of the postings of others - is not any any cost - to lose that control - whatever 'combat and chaos' may be the result. But when combat is the only tactic inconsitently used by our anonymous volunteer fellow posters - chaos is the only possible result

Currently (known and possibly unknown) representitives of the site's owner now think it acceptable to make abusive personal attacks and name-call upon those who Max has invited to contribute - simply because their views are different - when their role is supposedly to protect our forum from abusive personal attacks and name-calling.

Who protects us all from abusive personal attacks when they emanate from those who volunteer to protect us?

Kendall - why would making known the names of the currently unknown volunteer fellow posters thought to be a problem? Why is there this assumption of combat? If Max's so-called representitives were not seen to initiate combat - and fire the first shots at the contributions of their fellow posters. By imposing their persoanal judgement upon their words at will - without the originator's knowledge or permission - there is a very good chance that peace may eventually break-out on our forum.

But that would not do would it? For then there would be no need or justification to have any anonymous or known volunteers to impose their judgement upon the words of fellow posters in order to supposedly protect fellow posters. And there would be a grave danger that certain of this number may feel they will lose control and have to resort once again to shaping our forum only by their contributions.   

I am tired of the 'combat and chaos' that this gang of anonomous volunteer fellow posters now increasing impose. Whilst presenting the option to fellow posters to stop posting to our forum - if they do not like what this gang have turned our forum into by imposing and encouraging all these needless personal judgements.

I am also tired of the 'combat and chaos' that this anonymous gang clearly have a vested interest in encouraging. If you are tired of reading me (and others saying things this) then please do what you can to help improve the current situation - or just simply ignore it.